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2024 annual meeting FAQs:

For questions about registration for the annual meeting please see the pdf file at the botom of the 2024 Annual meeting web page.



Poster size and format:


 DIN A0 (84 x 119 cm or  approx. 33 x 46 inch).




Student Support - for student members of the ETS


For the 2024 meeting the ETS provide travel support for early career scientists (up to 500€).

(application of a motivation letter and a short CV to

For the Madrid meeting we have the

“Frank Sullivan travel grant”


“Jochen Buschmann travel grant”.

These grants are available for the 2024 annual meetings.

If we have more than 2 applications, then the applications will be reviewed by the ETS council.




i) Will the congress accept encore presentations? i.e. abstracts previously presented and/or published:

Presentations and abstracts may be similar to previous ones, but should not be identical to previously published abstracts/presented data


ii) Do you allow for Video Abstracts?




iii) Do you allow for Trials in Progress?




iv) Where will the accepted abstracts be published? i.e. website, journal, conference program, USB, etc


Yes, in the Special Issue of RTX and provided online to the registered participants


v) How many attendees are expected?




vi) What are the fees associated with the meeting (member and non-member reg fee, cont ed course fee, etc.) ?

Details of the registration fees will be published soon on the ETS meeting webpage

 vii) Does the hotel recognize US Federal Govt limits on housing rates (currently $275/night in Madrid)? 

There is no specific conference hotel

viii) Any other expenses I should be aware of?

The registration fee only includes lunch meals and the conference dinner.

